Why does Your dog cry when your leave your Home?

One of the biggest questions from dog handlers is: “why does my dog cry when I leave?”
Everything can be explained primarily by the intense relationship of partnership that exists between the animals and their guardians.
Some become so involved with family members that they end up in an intensely addictive relationship.
This may sound cool and cute, but in fact it is very harmful to the animal and the family as well.
So if you want to know why your dog cries when you leave, keep reading this text.
My dog cries when I leave: what can it be?
Therefore, when they realize that the tutor is going to leave, they end up getting agitated.
This is relatively common, but if the agitation is excessive it is likely a case of separation anxiety.
Basically, the animal feels bad about being away from the tutor and anticipates the suffering of distance. In fact, he is afraid of what might happen if he is left alone, without his tutor.
Many people see this emotional dependence as a sign of love, but this anxiety is a serious problem that has negative consequences for the animal.
Barking, crying and fussing is just the beginning. In some cases, the animal expresses the opposite reaction: it becomes paralyzed.
Regardless of the sign presented, separation anxiety is extremely negative for a dog’s physical and emotional health.
If you notice your dog barking and fussing when you leave, you should take him to a veterinarian who can advise you on the best treatment options.
But you must be well prepared because this is a job that requires a lot of calm, patience and dedication on the part of the professional and, above all, the tutor.
What should I have do if my dog cries when I leave the home?
First of all, the way in which the dog sees being alone depends on the owner and the relationship with the animal.
Dogs are very smart and can easily perceive their guardians’ reactions. Therefore, you must act correctly if you want to have a better centered animal.
Below you will see some tips about this, but be clear that this in no way replaces the advice of a professional.
what to do before leaving home
If your dog cries when you go out, then you need to calm him down at that time. Spending the animal’s energy is the best strategy.
This will make the animal more tired.
Less agitated, he won’t have as much energy to keep jumping and crying. Furthermore, after you leave he will remain calmer, recovering his energy.
What to do when I go out if my dog cries when I leave?
If your dog cries when you leave, you should ignore him when you leave. Tosa attention must be given before.
As cruel as this sounds, it is the best way for him to understand that you are going and that there is no danger.
If you have long goodbyes, you can give the dog fear, insecurity and sadness. He will interpret that you are suffering from having to leave him.
Some techniques that might work
Once again, it must be said that professional assistance is essential to improve your relationship with your dog.
But there are some simple techniques you can try to put into practice that can help.
1. Take exit training
In other words, try going out for shorter periods of time. Start with five minutes and gradually increase the period.
Do this every day until your pet gets used to it.
- Get dressed
Here the intention is for you to show the dog that when you get dressed, there is nothing wrong.
So, sometimes get ready, get your personal belongings, keys and everything you usually take when you go out.
This will teach the animal to get used to when you get ready.
3. Change the way you dress up
If you always do everything in the same order before you go out, maybe it’s time to change the order.
Your dog should already be used to your way of getting ready to go out. Then change the order of actions.
Also, try to leave most of your things already tidy. This will reduce the stress and anxiety of the animal at the time of departure.
4. Training helps reduce separation anxiety
If your dog cries when you go out, maybe this is the time to call a good handler to help you teach the animal to behave better.
Ideally, the training work should begin when the puppy comes home. This way, it is possible to avoid the appearance of the problem.
But if you haven’t and your dog is now experiencing separation anxiety, it’s time to go after the damage.
The dog must be taught that although he can accompany you in your daily tasks, he needs to have a certain independence.
Teach him to feed himself in a room and also to play even when you’re not around.
That way, when he’s really alone, he’ll know how to handle his emotions and control them.