Pros and Cons of Vitamin C for Dogs

Vitamin C in dogs is a micronutrient that performs important and different functions that keep our dog’s body in perfect condition.
In this article we’ll explain how vitamin C works for dogs, in which cases it can be helpful, and what happens if recommended doses are exceeded.
What is Vitamin C?
Unlike humans, dogs do not need to follow a diet rich in vitamin C or in any case where it is present. Your body, in its uniqueness, is capable of independently producing vitamin C. In dogs, this vitamin is synthesized in the liver.
If your dog is healthy and strong and does not have any health problems, it is often not necessary to resort to vitamin C supplements.
However, supplementing your four-legged friend’s diet with vitamin C is certainly not a bad idea, as this vitamin can potentially provide him with tons of health benefits.
Problems caused by vitamin C deficiency in dogs
A dog’s lack of vitamin C can lead to several symptoms. Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency and is associated with a canine disease known as hypertrophic osteodystrophy.
Dogs suffering from this type of disease may experience symptoms such as swollen gums, anemia, bleeding from the mouth and blood in the urine.
Other symptoms that associated with vitamin C deficiency Such as:
- Tooth loss;
- Bone weakness;
- Wound healing problems;
- Muscle weakness;
- Joint pain when the dog moves.
The best vitamin C for dogs
There are several ways to give your dog vitamin C. Through injections, powder or pills. It mainly depends on the veterinarian’s prescription or how it is accepted by the dog.
Here is the 3 sources of vitamin C for dogs :
- Food supplements designed to support joints, including collagen-based products;
- Vitamin supplements based on vitamin C;
- Fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin C rich food for dogs
Foods rich in vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables, can be offered to the dog, but in controlled amounts. This will help maintain the balance of this essential vitamin and will not cause any unpleasant side effects.
Powdered forms should be mixed with liquid forms in the dog’s food.
Pills are a little more difficult to hide or administer to the dog.
It sounds strange, but it is: this vegetable contains vitamin C, although many people don’t know it. In addition, it is a particularly suitable food for dogs, also because it allows them to clean the intestine of any inflammation or, in any case, tends to prevent them.
Feeding your dog lettuce regularly, but always without overdoing it, is a great way to keep him healthy. Anyway, it’s a food that shouldn’t be missing from your four-legged friend’s diet.
One of the foods that can be given to dogs that contain vitamin C is orange. But be careful not to overdose, simply because otherwise you run the risk of giving the dog an upset stomach.
Another point is that a slice of orange doesn’t necessarily please the dog, but it can be included in his meal, so when mixing flavors, he won’t feel the sourness of this fruit.
Dosage of vitamin C for dogs
The dose of this vitamin must be administered with caution and always under the supervision of the veterinarian. Side effects can result from incorrect dosages.
To determine the proper dose, it is necessary to know the dog’s weight and age, but also the reason for the deficiency.
Benefits of Vitamin C for Dogs
This vitamin is very important to maintain good health because your dog’s body needs it to produce hormones. Also, having vitamin C can have many benefits.
This vitamin is an anticancer and helps them fight cancer. This nutrient is valuable in fighting diseases such as kennel cough, bacterial diseases, infections and abscesses. Therefore, any owner who wants to keep their dog healthy must ensure that the dog receives adequate vitamins.
This does not indicate that all dogs should receive supplements of this vitamin. In case you have an older dog or dog, they may need supplementation.
Vitamin C is essential for bone and muscle growth . Older dogs, on the other hand, will need large amounts of vitamin C to stay healthy.